Gift Ideas New Moms Will Actually Love

Posted by Charlotte Evans on

Gift shopping for any holiday is always overwhelming. Shopping for presents for new moms might even be more challenging. You might be confused about whether to get the new mother a practical and functional item that can make her adjustment to motherhood a bit easier, but you also want something fun that she’d enjoy. When thinking of holiday or Mother’s Day gift ideas for new moms, it’s best to avoid baby-centered gifts as they probably already received enough baby things during their baby shower.

The best gifts for new moms would be something that could help them maintain their pre-motherhood interests and hobbies or encourage them to relax and get much-needed pampering. Here are some holiday or Mother’s Day gift ideas for new moms you can take inspiration from:

An Audiobook Subscription

The bookworm mom who finds it difficult to sit down and open a book nowadays will love you for this present! With an audiobook subscription, she can listen to novels for hours without having to put down her little one.

An All-in-One Hair Styling Tool

The mom who loves to glam up but has to shorten the time she spends getting ready since having a baby will appreciate an all-in-one hair styling tool. Get a tool that dries and styles her hair at the same time so she doesn’t have to switch from a hairdryer to a straightener or curling iron.


Packing Pouch Set

Help a new mom maintain her sanity by gifting her a packing pouch set. With a nice packing pouch set, she can keep her things in her mom bag organized when going out or traveling.

A Spa Gift Card

Encourage an exhausted new mom to kick back and wind down for a day with a spa gift card. Let her have a facial, a whole body scrub, a massage, or even the whole package! A day of pampering will help her relax and rejuvenate.

Bath Bombs

One of the best and easiest Mother’s Day gift ideas for a new mom is turning bath time into a spa-like experience! Give her bath bombs so she can climb into a warm, scent-infused bath for soothing relief and relaxation. Bath bombs are also super moisturizing and will leave her skin feeling soft and supple.

A Cozy Robe

Make the new mom’s late nights and early mornings with her little one more comfortable by getting her a cozy robe as a holiday or first-time Mother’s Day gift. To make it more special, get it in her favorite color and personalize it with her initials or first name.

A Sleep Mask

A new mom is always in need of even just a few minutes of shut-eye. A soft sleep mask can help her get restful sleep anytime. Get her a sleep mask that she can put in the freezer for some cooling relief.

A Pair of Soft Fluffy Slippers

One of the underrated first Mother’s Day gift ideas is a pair of comfortable slippers! A postpartum mom can experience pain and discomfort in her legs and feet. Get her a pair of soft fluffy slippers to make walking around the house a lot more comfortable.

A Neck and Back Massager

A new mom, especially when breastfeeding, can experience neck and back discomfort and pain from holding their baby for hours. Be a dear and gift her a neck and back massager for pain and tension relief.

Stroller Straps

For the new mom who’s always on the go, stroller straps are a great first-time Mother’s Day gift. With stroller straps, she can give her shoulders a break by hanging her mom bag from the back of any stroller.


A Leather Mom Bag

Every mom needs a diaper bag, but she doesn’t have to forgo style for functionality. Gift her a beautiful and luxurious leather mom bag that is still durable, easy to clean, and spacious enough to hold all the essentials. 

A Dinner for Two

A new mom can use a night out with her partner or with a friend. Why not give her a  lovely dinner for two at a nice restaurant nearby? It would be a great way to spend time away from the baby for a while and bond with another loved one.

Gift shopping for a new mom might be challenging, but you can give her something she’d enjoy. Steer clear from baby-centered gifts and get something that’s absolutely for the mother. The best Mother’s Day gift ideas for new moms are practical and functional that can help with their adjustment to motherhood, help them maintain their pre-motherhood interests and hobbies, or encourage them to rest and relax.

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